The Zip Canada widget displays a price breakdown on your product page and mini-cart for items purchased with Zip Canada. Adding the widget lets your customers know that they can check out today and only pay a quarter of the total price upfront!
The widget serves as a customer education tool and is a key driver in the AOV lift.
Our merchant partners have seen a significant lift in sales and conversions just by activating the Zip Canada widget.
You can integrate the Zip Canada widget in just a few simple steps. Review our installation guide here.
Can the Zip Canada widget be customized?
For merchants or developers that are comfortable working with javascript, we suggest integrating via the Classic widget. This integration offers the most flexibility but requires a bit more effort to integrate. Sometimes our merchants choose to hire a third-party developer to help.
What is Widget Lite?
Widget Lite is an integration solution available for our Shopify merchants. You can install Widget Lite with one line of code that allows brands to easily integrate our widget onto the product detail, cart, and mini-cart pages.
While customization is not supported with Widget Lite, it can be done with our Classic Widget.
A technical background may be helpful when attempting to integrate the Classic Widget. Instructions for Classic Widget integration can be found here.
You can view an instructional video on how to install Widget Lite here.
Why is the Zip Canada widget showing up multiple times?
If you're seeing two or more widgets on the checkout page, you may have copied and pasted the Zip Canada Widget Lite script multiple times. Check your chosen theme to make sure it's only in your code one time. Before making any changes, make sure to back up the theme before making any changes.
You can also review the full installation documentation here. This link will take you to everything you need in order to integrate the Zip Canada widget.